Students' Development Competencies in Improving Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions


  • Ziyoda Maratovna Khudoyarova Lecturer of the Department of general and specific sciences Tashkent State University of Economics


learning and intellectual process, innovative process, innovative activity, pedagogical technology, problem in education, teaching methods, primary education


The pedagogical potential of a foreign language is transferred in lessons in collaboration with the teacher and students; based on the student's level of knowledge (what is the level of his knowledge, skills, qualifications), starting from that level; taking all measures to encourage student initiative; To develop a sense of self-assessment and self-confidence, to develop a sense of responsibility and a critical view of the results of one's work, and to learn a foreign language so that students can use the knowledge they have acquired to solve life problems within the framework of future independent education It is very important to constantly encourage learning. This article talks about skills aimed at improving self-development skills.




How to Cite

Khudoyarova, Z. M. . (2022). Students’ Development Competencies in Improving Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences, 1(4), 36–39. Retrieved from