The Importance of Politeness in Intercultural Community


  • Ziyoda Ziyodulla Qizi Mirusmanova Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, livestock and biotechnology university, Uzbekistan


In communities culture, human society, important theoretical and practical importance, materialistic point of view, social existence, social development, of culture


This article analyzes the opinions about the important theoretical and practical importance of correctly defining the role of culture in the formation and development of human society in communities. To look at history from a materialistic point of view, to consider social existence as primary compared to social consciousness, to put the production of material goods at the basis of social existence, to claim that work is the basis of culture, to correctly determine the place and role of social development of culture came showing trouble.




How to Cite

Mirusmanova, Z. Z. Q. (2022). The Importance of Politeness in Intercultural Community. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences, 1(4), 112–114. Retrieved from