Distinctive Features of Creating Grammatical Dictionaries


  • Botirova Adiba Associate Professor of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi


Academic building, national language building, computational linguistics, educational explanatory dictionaries, vocabulary dictionary, types of dictionaries, transcription


the article deals with the creation of mathematical educational dictionaries for the Educational corpus of the Uzbek language, in particular, the creation of educational explanatory dictionaries, as well as the creation of electronic corpus dictionaries that are used in the educational process, as well as in philological research, in scientific papers and when creating documents based on the classification of vocabulary categories.




How to Cite

Adiba, B. . (2023). Distinctive Features of Creating Grammatical Dictionaries. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences, 2(1), 44–48. Retrieved from https://www.innosci.org/IJNRAS/article/view/758