Current Diagnostic Capabilities for Gastrointestinal Food Allergies


  • Ergasheva Muharram Uktamоvna Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan


food allergy, children, gastrointestinal symptoms, diagnosis


Food allergies remain an urgent problem in children. Interest in it is growing every year, which is associated not only with its high prevalence, but also with difficulties in diagnosis and treatment. In early childhood, gastrointestinal forms of food allergies are more common, which often occur under the "masks" of other diseases, which further complicates the diagnostic search for causes. The review examines the causes and mechanisms of food allergy development, and presents its main forms. Modern approaches to diagnosis using clinical and anamnestic criteria and laboratory methods available in the doctor's arsenal are discussed.




How to Cite

Uktamоvna E. M. . (2022). Current Diagnostic Capabilities for Gastrointestinal Food Allergies. Pioneer: Journal of Advanced Research and Scientific Progress, 1(4), 12–19. Retrieved from